Construction is the main business of our company. We pay the most of our attention to it, develop and improve it regularly. That is the reason we have a wide experience of successfully finished big projects:
- optical MAN for KaR-Tel LLC in Almaty and Shymkent,
- in-plant optical networks for CATCO LLC in Tortkuduk,
- FOCL on overhead power lines Aktobe-Ulke for Batys-Tranzit LLC, Shu-Almaty for KEGOC JSC, Taugul-Ermensai-Medeo-Gorny Gigant for Alatau Zharyk Company JSC, Aktogai GOK – NPS-10 for CPPI Kazakhstan LLC, EGRES-1 – BGOK for Alsim Alarko SanayiTEsislerive TIC AS,
- network infrastructure of Ekibastuz railway station for NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC,
- sections of FOCLs Kenkiyak-Kumkol for Kazakhstan-China Pipeline LLC, Shar-Oskemen and Karaganda-Karagaily (with power networks) for Transtelecom JSC, Tassai-Shalkar for NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC, Shymkent-Kandyagash for KazTransCom JSC,
- FOCL Kyzylorda-Karaozek for Intergas Central Asia JSC,
- hybrid FOCL on Аsiada-2011 objects in Almaty,
- GPON/EТТН networks for Kazakhtelecom JSC for 100 000 subscribers in Almaty,
- backbone FOCL Oskemen-Khrogos, Usharal-Dostyk and Chundja-Nura for TNS-Plus LLC.
Information above indicates that we can construct and manage the project in:
- power, telecom and hybrid networks of all sizes;
- pipelines and FOCL, with all possible methods – open-cut, cable handler, duct blown, HDD, pulling, aerial etc.;
- high voltage overhead and underground power lines;
- separate networks components (closures, patch panels etc.).
Besides big projects we are able to perform small works which need specific knowledge and equipment. For example we performed:
- testing of backbone FOCL parameters for Kazakhtelecom JSC all over the country,
- upgrade of FOCL Almaty-Uzynagash for Kazakhtelecom JSC with installation of second cable into existing duct (first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan),
- installation of FOCL together with 110 kV cable line on Asiada-2011 objects in Almaty (first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan).